Mitten Ridge Mar 09

From Schnebly Hill Road, one mile from the end of pavement
P3037056   MITTEN RIDGE P3037058 P3037059 P3037060   We start by climbing the Munds Wagon trail
P3037061 P3037062 P3037064 P3037065
P3037066 P3037067 P3037068 P3037069
P3037070 P3037071 P3037072 P3037073
P3037074 P3037075 P3037077 P3037078
P3037079 P3037080 P3037081 P3037082
P3037083 P3037084 P3037085 P3037086
P3037087 P3037088 P3037091 P3037092
P3037093 P3037095 P3037100 P3037101
P3037102 P3037103 P3037104 P3037105
P3037108   Is this a vortex tree? P3037109 P3037111 P3037112
P3037113 P3037114   Leaving the wash, we head directly up Mitten Ridge after less than a mile. We are now on a series of ledges. P3037116 P3037117   A tricky place
P3037118 P3037119 P3037120 P3037122
P3037123 P3037124 P3037125 P3037126
P3037127 P3037128   A band of limestone P3037129 P3037130
P3037131 P3037132 P3037133   Our break stop, on a rocky shoulder P3037135
P3037136 P3037137 P3037138 P3037139
P3037142 P3037143 P3037144   Sometimes we switch roles and pause to let nature admire US P3037145
P3037146 P3037147 P3037148   As we ledge crawl, a precariously balanced rock P3037149
P3037150   The shoulder in the distance will be our route back P3037151 P3037152 P3037154
P3037155 P3037156 P3037157 P3037158   This Indian paintbrush is one of the earliest bloomers of the season
P3037159 P3037160 P3037161 P3037163
P3037164   We approach the final ridge P3037165 P3037166 P3037167
P3037170 P3037172   The steepest pitch P3037173 P3037174
P3037175   ...And we're up! P3037176 P3037177 P3037178   Here on the backside of the ridge, we choose a lunch spot
P3037179   That's Hightway 89A and Midgley Bridge in the valley P3037181 P3037182 P3037184
P3037186 P3037187 P3037188 P3037191
P3037194   We start down, this time well to the right of our original route P3037195 P3037196 P3037197
P3037199 P3037200 P3037201   This nose looks impossible... P3037203
P3037205   ...but it's our route P3037206 P3037208 P3037209
P3037210 P3037211 P3037212 P3037213
P3037214 P3037215 P3037216 P3037217
P3037219 P3037220 P3037221 P3037224
P3037226 P3037227   This gets us down fast P3037229   Now we're back in the wash P3037230
P3037231 P3037233 P3037234 P3037236
P3037237 P3037239 P3037240   One last dead tree before we go P3037241
P3037242 P3037243